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  • barkas@barkaskinbaku.com
  • Opening: Appointments only

The development of Ranboo

The development of Ranboo

My personal review on the development of the overwhelming style

There are many kinds of tying someone with the aim of having a special time together. One can just fix someone else or tying very technically, one can focus on symmetric bondages or construt special patterns. One can tie in a very calm way, very sportive or one can overwhelm the partner very brutally.

Ranboo, or the harder style as I called it in the beginning, is none of the above categories. It is a part of Osada-ryu and therefore a mixture of all calm and overwhelming, of dynamics and statics, of patterns and freestyle. Hence, it was Osada Steve himself who named this certain style and told me the term Ranboo.

The year before I became an Osada-ryu instructor, between 2010 and 2011, the roots of Ranboo, as I have practiced it since then, developed. At that time I neither had a name for my style, nor existed a structured theoretical framework. Of course, some Bakushis in Japan practiced Shibari/Kinbaku in very stormy way, but there existed no structure or definition, too. In my case, this style was overwhelming from the very beginning after I have learned the basic techniques and patterns because of demarcating to this calm and steady sessions I saw almost all over the community. I could not create the same reactions in my partner with this style as I wanted to. Hence I began to apply the techniques much more overwhelming and dynamically. Almost every single session in this style was better than the foregoing and after a very short period of time a certain style emerged. But a structure was lacking. A lot of members of the Shibari community in Vienna asked me to give a workshop on this new style and so I had to think about this new style theoretically how to bring it to the people.

The Osada-ryu does not desribe Ranboo directly but it offers a framework within which everything I needed was already written down. All of the key terms of Ranboo were desrcibed perfectly by this school and this is nececerry because without a theoretical framework , Ranboo just depraved to uncontrolled brutallity and that’s exactly the opposite of what it stands for and what I want to practice.

Ranboo is a game with the astonishment of your partner. It is not to apply certain patterns but to apply any patterns in an empathically and consciously way. The patterns of the Osada-ryu are also perfectly made for this purpose because they are safe and allows one to tie very fluently. From this point of view, the Osada-ryu also provides the perfect framework.. For a good Ranboo session it’s much more crucial how to shape the session dynamically. It was exactly this question that contains the key term of Ranboo: dynamics. Dynamic is often misunderstood as speed, but its the spatial and temporal game with distance (ma-ai), with constantly changing the speed (Kankyuu) and last but not least with hard and soft phases of the session. In such a session I can treat my partner like an enemy and in the next second this enemy can be the love of my life. The crucial point is that your partner is not able to foresee what’s coming next and this is probably the most difficult thing in Ranboo: to know what to do without showing it, to take care of your partner’s safety without breaking the flow and to step back as an individual. Without controlling yourself you cannot controll the session and even one single situation. Ranboo sometimes looks like wild rage but it’s empathy and devotion.

AND: ranboo will never be complete. It’s still developing as I am.